Şub 16, 2020

Triangle Pose is such a dynamic one! There’s just so much going on! said all o…

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Triangle Pose is such a dynamic one! There’s just so much going on! 💪🏽
@silkymariesky said all of the perfect words for today’s pose for #StrengthenTheAsana
I remember at the beginning of my yoga practice, Triangle and Revolved Triangle were THE HARDEST pose to stay stable in.
I simply did not have the strength and the support I needed to be here balancing. After my compression fracture in T6, I didn’t feel strong enough to support myself in this pose without dumping into my hand on the ground.
Every day it is a conscious awareness for me to keep my arms straight, hypermobility causes you to overextend in certain poses. So for those reasons, I try to hold myself back on this pose, and focus more on the awareness of the shape than touching the ground. 🔺 .

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