Tem 19, 2020

Today this girl at my work said something pretty funny: She was unbelievably pe…

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Today this girl at my work said something pretty funny:
She was unbelievably perturbed about something I said in passing, so I approached her and said, “ya know, for the past couple weeks it’s so clear that you’re depressed, unhappy, and have a stick up your butt about something, and if you want to misplace your anger and take it out on me, that’s fine. It really is. But I just want you to know that if there’s something upsetting you, you CAN talk about it. If there’s something you don’t like about your life, you CAN CHANGE IT. And if something is bothering you out here, you don’t have to hold it in.” Her only response, that I found quite humorous was: “I’m just pissed that you don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourself.”
Someone can be reaching out to you, directly, making attempts to help you, and you can still be blaming your problems on other people.
At the end of the day, it’s your own responsibility to fix your own problems. Only you can be your own healer.
It’s your responsibility to take your own happiness into your own hands.
It’s your responsibility to change your life if you don’t like it.
“I can do nothing for you but work on myself.
You can do nothing for me but work on yourself.”– Ram Dass
thanks to @aholoday for showing me this quote at a rough point in my life a few months back. 💙💙💙
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