Mar 10, 2020

Be free. Never apologize for who you want to be. – k.c . Final day of brings…

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Be free.
Never apologize
for who you want to be.
– k.c
#lettersfromkayla #realworldpocahontas .

Final day of #NamastayOhm brings us to our daily life. Apart from the asana.
Sometimes I feel like I preach the practice of yoga off the mat more than on.
But it’s the truth.
When you start to practice yoga, it leaks into every aspect of your life.
It follows you with every breath you take.
It changes your mood.
It changes the way you react to different people and different situations.
It brings out your truest self.
My truest self likes to get naked and jump in the water.
My husband likes to capture these moments on camera. 🙈😂. Beautiful Hosts:

Generously Sponsored by:

#yogainspo #travelingyogi #aloyogachallenge #alomoves


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