Mar 20, 2020
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Day 1 of Tadasana AKA Mountain Pose While this may not be the fanciest yoga p…

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Day 1 of #AloBoutGrounding 🏔 Tadasana AKA Mountain Pose
While this may not be the fanciest yoga pose, it is one of my most fundamental for grounding and starting your yoga practice. 🙏🏼 .

When I first step on my mat, my rock, my ground, whatever it is I am practicing on—this is usually my first pose, every time.
I place my feet shoulder width apart,
I lay my hands down at my sides.
I start to roll around on my feet, feeling every part of my feet, every part that keeps me grounded all day, everyday.
The heel, the ball of my foot, the sole of my foot, the toes. I move every piece of my weight through those pieces of my feet.
As I wobble around and transition my weight to each section of my foot, I pay attention to how it all feels. I find my balance, I root down through my feet, and focus on the energy I am carrying around with me all day long.
Focusing on my breath.
I open UP my palms to receive all energy flowing in and flowing out.
I open my arms, cactus the arms, then reach the arms all the way up to the sky, where I thank the Earth for providing me with this space to practice and energy to receive today.
Then I begin 5-6 rounds of Sun Salutations before diving deeper into practice.
Yoga looks different for everyone.
What does your mountain pose look like?
What does grounding feel like to you? 💚

Your Grounding Hosts:

Generous Sponsors:
@aloyoga (who creates the comfy cozy Black Cherry Lounge Set I am in😍) .

1. Tadasana 🏔
2. Vrksasana
3. Trikonasana
4. Utkatasana
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana
6. Virabhadrasana
7. Skandasana
8. Utkata Konasana
9. Uttanasana
10. Choice Asana
#aloyoga #aloyogachallenge #igyogachallenge #grounding

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