Mar 18, 2020

Day 9 of brings us to also known as Forward Fold. . What does it mean to you …

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Day 9 of #AloBoutGrounding brings us to #Uttanasana also known as Forward Fold. .

What does it mean to you to surrender?
What’s your relationship like with that word?
Does it make you uncomfortable?
Does it make you feel out of control?
Or does the word surrender give you a sense of calmness?
A sense of trust in the universe for always pointing you in the right direction,
always placing you on the right path, or providing you with the necessary tools to get yourself on that path. .

To me, surrendering plays a large roll in grounding.
You have to surrender to your natural environment and let them take control.
Wake up every day at sunrise, watch the sunrise.
Watch all of the plants, birds, insects and animals in your yard coexist and start their day each morning.
Notice how the ants are already working before the sun even rises.
Feel the connection to your environment.
Surrender to it all. 💙

outfit from the generous sponsor @aloyoga .

Your Grounding Hosts:

Generous Sponsors:
1. Tadasana 🏔
2. Vrksasana 🌲
3. Trikonasana 🔺
4. Utkatasana 💺
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana 🐕
6. Virabhadrasana 🤺
7. Skandasana 🤺
8. Utkata Konasana 🧞‍♀️
9. Uttanasana 🧘🏽‍♀️
10. Choice Asana
#surrender #grounding #aloyoga #beagoddess #aloyogachallenge #igyogachallenge


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