Mar 4, 2020
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Have you ever heard of Mirror Neurons? Last night I was listening to a podcast …

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Have you ever heard of Mirror Neurons?
Last night I was listening to a podcast with @drsrinipillay
He brought up many wonderful points, one being: Mirror Neurons and Women.
You know that feeling you get when you’re watching a game show and your heart starts to race and your hands get sweaty, but you aren’t even there playing the game?
Or the feeling to get when you’re watching professional dancers? You feel amazing but you aren’t the one dancing.
Those are mirror neurons making you feel that way. .

Women are said to have more mirror neurons than men, thus making us more empathic,
more sensitive to our surroundings.
Women are complex information integrates.
We are constantly picking up on subtle energies all around us,
constantly listening to our intuition, trusting our inner voice,
while sorting through all of the complex information that we are presented during our days.

matching @aloyoga outfits
with my gorgeous friend @aholaday .

#growthmindset #beagoddess #aloyoga

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