Mar 29, 2020

I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty….

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I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty.
I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the Highest Source.
I salute that Source in you.
Let us work together for unity and love. — Mohandas Gandhi
So many people in this world want to divide in negativity, in hatred,
in confusion or in jealousy.
They want to divide and give in
to their egos, their sorrows, their traumas, their preconceived notions about others.
We are better than that.
We are stronger than that.
We are stronger together, spreading positive energy and setting examples for those around us, younger or older.
Let us work together for the world we want to see.
A life full of love, positivity, hope, and possibility. ☀️✨Happy Friday, everyone. ✨☀️
twinning with @aholaday in all
@aloyoga wear 💛
. .
#aloyoga #yogainspiration #partneryoga #RealWorldPocahontas


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