#AwakenIntoSpring || May 1- 8 || Natarajasana (Dancer Pose Variations) —
Now that you know the things which you seek to remove from your life or your mindset, it’s time to plan your next moves gracefully.
Call upon the grace of a dancer to help you move swiftly and efficiently through standing up for your needs. Dancers are known for creating a complex routine in such a way that makes it flow naturally, that makes the next move come with ease.
The journey towards ridding your soul of negativity can be a complex one. Complex activities tend to be a bit easier with a plan.
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Pose List:
Day 1: Uttanasana (any forward fold)
Day 2: Utkatasana (any chair pose)
Day 3: Vriksasana/Tree or Tadasana/Mountain variations
Day 4: Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)
Day 5: Virabhadrasana (any warrior variation)
Day 6: Anjaneyasana with a back bend
Day 7: Heart Opener
Day 8: Yogi’s Choice
bottoms by @aloyoga

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