I am that.
I am me.
I am free.
I am on the correct path to becoming intrinsically who I am meant to be. .
Yes, the rainbow is real
Some of you may already know, but for those of you who don’t— each morning I meditate for anywhere from 10-30 minutes.
Sometimes these are on my own, sometimes they are guided through the @alo.moves app.
Today I did a meditation in the Sound Into Silence series with @dylanwerneryoga titled Soham.
It was my first time hearing this mantra.
I love how words, phrases, people, experiences, everything in this life comes to us exactly when we need it to. .
I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. It’s currently POURING down snow here, time to pack! I am so ready for this warm weather and Belize Beaches!
outfit by @aloyoga
Who’s Black Friday sale is still happening and also extends into the @alo.moves app! .
#travelingyogi #aloyoga #alomoves #beagoddess #soham