Şub 15, 2020
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Welcome to our final day of It’s so hard to write those words! So sad that t…

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Welcome to our final day of #StrengthenTheAsana 🙏🏽
It’s so hard to write those words! 😭
So sad that this challenge is coming to an end but it was such a beautiful journey with you all!! We are finishing strong with Warrior 1!
Be sure to check in with the other cohosts for tips and tricks for alignment and muscle engagement! 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏽‍♀️
With the first day of this challenge being Mountain Pose, we worked on our solid foundation for each yoga practice.
The slight tuck of the tailbone that should be practiced throughout every single yoga pose, even this Warrior!
Every warrior! 🤗💪🏽🙏🏽
The Warrior Poses work the whole body!
Warrior I engages the quads, the glutes, the core, open the hips, strengthens the shoulders, and requires active feet.
I love any poses that involve the core.
I love any poses that work the whole body.
I hope that you all learned a little bit more about how to keep yourself engaged or aligned during some of our favorite asanas! 🤗💗 .

A huge shoutout to our incredible sponsors of this challenge @aloyoga and @alo.moves who are constantly taking action towards making change in the world, and bringing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to the world one country, one classroom, one soul at a time.
If you haven’t already, go check out their nonprofit @alogives that is making a difference in the lives, minds, and homes of children every day. 💚

My outfit is from @aloyoga 💜

@kayla_countess .

#aloyoga #alogives #alomoves #igyogachallenge

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