Mar 11, 2020
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Your happiness directly reflects on your trust and faith in the universe. Trus…

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Your happiness directly reflects
on your trust and faith in the universe.
Trust that she is putting you through
what you need,
that you are
where you need to be,
experiencing all the things
you need to see.
– k.c
#lettersfromkayla #realworldpocahontas
Day 7 of #NamastayOhm has the topic of core work! 🎉
One of my all time favorite parts of exercise and yoga! 🤗
There are so many wonderful ways to awaken your core, engage your core, to strengthen your core.
If I tried to make a video on all of my favorite core work for yoga, it wouldn’t be able to fit in 60 seconds.
I decided to start off the video with what I feel is the most important foundation for core work: some abdominal lock breathwork, otherwise known as uddiyana bandha.
This video is very sped up, so you can see the quick draw in of the navel towards the spine, and up, if you will.
Then you see me exhale the breath fully out, and down, moving into Mula bandha otherwise known as a root lock or lock of the pelvic floor.
I originally learned about mula bandha from Deepika Mehta in her Beginner Ashtanha series on @alo.moves and the uddiyana bandha from Aubry Wiltcher in 30 Days of Mindful Movement Elements of Summer.
They have become such an important staple in my daily life, practice, and meditation. 💗
If you haven’t already, I recommend you check out the free classes @aloyoga has to offer on YouTube! If you like them, @alo.moves has so much more to offer. 🙌🏼

After the breathwork, I went up into a shoulder stand and snacked on some @regrained Chocolate Coffee Stout granola bar! 😋
My phone decided to die in the first video, so I took another one and smashed them together! 😝

bra and undies by @aloyoga ❤️

Beautiful Hosts:
@rootedinflowing ✨
Generously Sponsored by:

#yogainspo #aloyogachallenges #aloyoga #yogamotivation #corework #uddiyanabandha


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