Nis 2, 2020

C O N T R O L How do you gain control in your life? Do you spend too much tim…

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💪🏼 C O N T R O L 💪🏼
How do you gain control in your life?
Do you spend too much time trying to change things around you?
Do you find yourself thinking about how you could make someone else change?
I used to spend a lot of my life this way, trying to change things around me that were simply out of my control.
Getting upset about things that really don’t matter,
at the end of the day,
there is one thing in this life we have control over, and it’s ourself.
Our mind,
Our body,
Our reactions.
You cannot control the way another person speaks to you.
You can’t control the way the world is moving around you.
You can’t control what other people may say or do around you, but you can control how you react.
You can control who you surround yourself with.
#AsanasForGrowth Day 2: Control- Standing Balance
With being able to control yourself means you can control muscles as well.
Over time and dedication to your practice, you’ll notice just how much you can now consciously control your movements. It really comes in handy when you wanna do something like this extended #birdofparadise pose in the gaps of the rain 🦅💙
bottoms by @aloyoga
Growing Hosts:
Generous Sponsors:
@flowerofliving (my top)
@inclinefit (my yoga towel)


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