Day 4 of #AloBoutGrounding brings us to #Utkatasana or Chair Pose.
Yesterday, I talked a bit about how grounding looks different to everyone, and today I want to talk about how yoga looks different for everyone. .
Above I have featured three variations of Chair Pose. Did you know there are nearly 39 different variations of this pose alone?
Can you imagine how many other variations there are for other poses?
Nearly infinite.
Yoga is SO MANY THINGS, but one of my favorite things about yoga is that it’s a self-exploration; a way to know, understand, and love your body better.
A way to get to know how all of the muscles, tendons and joints move around in your body, and what works best for them.
A way to learn how to use your body in new ways.
What’s your favorite Utkatasana (Chair Pose) variation?
comfy cozy Alo Soft outfit by our generous sponsor @aloyoga
Your Grounding Hosts:
Generous Sponsors:
1. Tadasana
2. Vrksasana
3. Trikonasana
4. Utkatasana
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana
6. Virabhadrasana
7. Skandasana
8. Utkata Konasana
9. Uttanasana
10. Choice Asana
#aloyoga #aloyogachallenge #alomoves #yogatutorial #chairpose