Eyl 14, 2020

|| May 1-8 || Any Heart Opener — Today we are calling upon the energy that fl…

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#AwakenIntoSpring || May 1-8 ||
Any Heart Opener 💙💚💙

Today we are calling upon the energy that flows through heart openers to help us remember the love and acceptance that we have for others and ourselves.
Along the journey of soul “spring cleaning”, you may have to confront others in your life, and some people don’t always respond well to others sticking up for themselves.
Everyone is on a personal journey of self-enlightenment and self-care. While you are standing up for your own, it’s important to remember that if people are reacting negatively or harshly towards you, it is only because of a past trauma or negative feeling they are going through personally.
Today use heart openers to help you remember a larger truth in others while on your own path to cleanse your soul.
Healing Hosts:
Generous Sponsors:
@flowerofliving (my mat)
@inclinefit (my top)
Pose List:
Day 1: Uttanasana (any forward fold) ✨
Day 2: Utkatasana (any chair pose) ✨
Day 3: Vriksasana/Tree or Tadasana/Mountain variations ✨
Day 4: Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) ✨
Day 5: Virabhadrasana (any warrior variation) ✨
Day 6: Anjaneyasana with a back bend ✨
Day 7: Heart Opener ✨
Day 8: Yogi’s Choice


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