Mar 1, 2020
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Welcome to Day 4 of . Today we have Cobra Pose! Swipe to see the video on my…

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Welcome to Day 4 of #AloAnimals 🐍🐒🦄🦋🦎🐙🐰🐠🦍🐪

Today we have Cobra Pose!
Swipe to see the video on my favorite 1. Way to enter cobra. 2. Favorite ways to work on cobra and 3. How I entered the photo. 🤗 .

Cobra rolls are one of my favorite ways to work on this pose, and warm up my spine.
Some of you may not know this yet, my spine has a permanent compression fracture on vertebrae T6, so my body isn’t always feeling up to backbends, and the progression for certain poses (and handstands) takes a bit longer!
The most comfortable way for me to enter this pose is from a Sun Salutation C variation.
From Chaturunga,
I lower the knees,
chest, then chin to my mat.
Then slither forward like a snake, into cobra. 🐍

velvet bra and airbrush thong from @aloyoga (so is my yoga mat) .

Animal Lovin’ Cohosts:

Generous Sponsors:

Pose List:
1. Cat 🐱
2. Cow 🐮
3. Down/Up-Ward Facing Dog 🐶
4. Cobra 🐍
5. Tiger
6. Camel
7. Cow Face
8. Frog
9. Pigeon
10. Crow
11. Eagle
12. Yogi’s Choice

#igyogachallenges #aloyogachallenge

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