Welcome to Day 8 of #AloAnimals
Today we have frog pose which has always been one of my favorites.
When I was a little girl, I used to catch frogs in my grandparents backyard.
One day, I’m about 5 years old and my Papa convinced me I had contracted some frogitis rockitis. I had caught a frog from the pile of rocks, and then hours later a wart appeared on my hand.
My first ever wart!
I was so concerned.
Papa said “well Kayla honey….. you have rockitis. Frogitis. You’re going to need doctors, experts.”
5 year old me panicks, Papa can’t stop laughing, Grama saved the day.
Animal Lovin’ Cohosts:
Generous Sponsors:
Pose List:
1. Cat
2. Cow
3. Down/Up-Ward Facing Dog
4. Cobra
5. Tiger
6. Camel
7. Cow Face
8. Frog
9. Pigeon
10. Crow
11. Eagle
12. Yogi’s Choice
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