Nis 1, 2020
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What are you holding close to your heart that is only holding you back? You say…

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What are you holding close to your heart that is only holding you back?
You say you don’t like the conformities, pressures, and ideologies placed on us by society and sociology, then I dare you to ask yourself: what are you still keeping close to your heart that falls in that category?
What won’t you let go of that is only holding you back?
Do you get uncomfortable when you see a mother breastfeeding her child while she eats dinner?
Are you upset when you see two men walking happily walking down the street hand-in-hand?
Do you get physically anxious or uncomfortable when the person in front of you at the grocery store is speaking a different language to their family?
How often do you argue with someone about their religion?
When was the last time you got upset about how much skin a woman chose to show in public or on her profile online?
Do you ever stop to ask yourself why?
Why do you get upset about these things?
Why don’t you ask these people more questions to learn their perspective?
Why don’t you learn more in order to help yourself grow? To break out of the uncomfortable chains of miscommunication, ignorance, and intolerance?
Why don’t we say yes to love?
Ask yourself why.

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