Mar 21, 2020
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NEW CHALLENGE ANNOUNCEMENT! ⠀ Nov 1-10 ⠀ Please join us! This one is great fo…

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#AloBoutGrounding Nov 1-10

Please join us! This one is great for ALL LEVELS!

It’s the perfect time to explore these 10 grounding asanas as we get closer to the holiday season.
These poses we will help to get us grounded, centered and feeling good, both physically and mentally…ready for anything!

Yoga is practiced in our daily lives, both on the mat and off. These grounding poses will help you to gain more interconnection with your breath, your body, your practice, and the physical environment around you.

Here’s how to join in on the fun:
1. Repost the flyer and tag some friends!
2. Follow each of your hosts and sponsors.
3.Post a photo or video of the daily pose using the challenge hashtag #AloBoutGrounding.
4. Tag each host and sponsor in your daily post so we can cheer you on! 💚
5. Tag some friends in the comments below to play along with you…the more the merrier!
6. Have FUN! 😊

Your Grounding Hosts:

Generous Sponsors:
@aloyoga ⠀
Here’s the pose list if you’d like to plan ahead:
1, Tadasana
2. Vrksasana
3. Trikonasana
4. Utkatasana
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana
6. Virabhadrasana
7. Skandasana
8. Utkata Konasana
9. Uttanasana
10. Choice Asana 😉

#aloyoga #yogachallenge #aloyogachallenge #yogatime #yogafun #yogaplay

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